What are Heat Pipes
How does a Heat Pipe Work?

How does a Heat Pipe work?

Basically a Heat Pipe is a thermal energy absorbing and transferring system which can carry about one thousand times more heat energy than all equivalent size of Copper rod for the same temperature gradient. In other words it has an effective thermal conductivity several hundred times more than an equivalent size of copper.

When heat is added to the evaporator section, the working fluid boils and converts into vapour absorbing latent heat.

After reaching the condenser section, due to partial pressure build up, the vapour transforms back into liquid thus
releasing latent heat.  From the condenser section, heat is taken away by means of water cooling / air cooling with
fins etc. The liquid condensate returns to the original position through the capillary return mechanism, completing
the cycle. Due to very high latent heat of vapourization a large quantity of heat can be transferred.

Good Reasons To Use Heat Pipes:

Reduce cycle time
Eliminate hot spots
Reduce wastage
Improve product quality
Increase mould life
Eliminate core clogging
Cut mould and Moulding costs
Upgrade old moulds
Use damaged moulds

We have introduced Heat Pipe for the first time in plastic moulding and die casting in India. Heat Pipes are widely
used for improving cooling efficiency of injection and die casting moulds all over the world. this method of cooling
has helped to reduce cycle time, rejection and improve quality of product.